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Food Preparation & Nutrition

Year 7

Term Topic & Key Content Additional Reading & Resources
Autumn Kitchen Basics
Introduction of how to work safely and efficiency in a food room, including how to use a knife safely and with precision.
Practical work
Fresh fruit salad, pasta salad, apple crumble. Introduction to soup, homemade versus ready-made, making an 'informed' choice. Introduction of the 'Eatwell Guide' and how recipes can be adapted to be healthier.
Year 7 Recipe Book.                                        BBC Good Food - video clips on key cutting techniques: e.g. bridge hold, claw grip, fork secure.
Spring Continuation of knife skills and introduction of a variety of new skills e.g. shaping, baking, extending experience of using and understanding a variety of key ingredients. Practical work
Soup of choice, using a variety of vegetables, rock buns, making a flavoured roux sauce and serving with pasta or vegetables. Introduction to the 'Nutrition Programme', reinforcement of healthy eating with a focus on savoury main dishes.
Year 7 Recipe Book.                                                                                       Foodafactoflife 11-14 - provide key recipes, video clips on sauce and soup making along with key points to remember for healthy eating and the value of the nutrition programme.
Summer Introduction to international cuisine, food provenance and encouraging the use of seasonal, locally sourced ingredients.
Practical work
Variety of salads, including couscous and coleslaw, sweet and/or savoury biscuits, smoothies. Reinforcement of healthy eating with focus on including a good range of seasonal fruit and vegetables.
Year 7 Recipe Book.                                         
Foodafactoflife 11-14 - provides video clips, key information on Where our food comes from.                                             


Year 8

Term Topic & Key Content Additional Reading & Resources
Autumn Revisit healthy eating and nutrition, focus on a balanced diet and the role macro nutrients play.  Build on practical skills from Year 7 along with an understanding of how key ingredients work with particular ref to raising agents. Practical work
Fruity cupcakes, scones, Swiss roll and bread.
Year 8 Recipe Book

Foodafactoflife 11-14 - Ingredients