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Work Experience

Pupils are encouraged to seek out work experience opportunities to:

  • experience the world of work in a variety of situations
  • grow in confidence as an individual and to develop their interpersonal skills
  • work with others in a constructive way
  • explore further opportunities and interests regarding careers planning
  • understand the standards and expectations of being employed
  • add to their CVs

Virtual and small-scale experiences are advertised on the careers notice board near the Pupil Support room and pupils are encouraged to read these on a regular basis. Pupils will need to collect and complete a form from the College’s Careers Lead to register their interest. We can provide a space at school for virtual experiences. Pupils will be asked to reflect on their experiences and will receive feedback from their ‘employers’.

Longer work experience placements are encouraged during holiday time, especially during the summer holidays between Year 9-10 and 10-11. These need to be arranged by parents/carers. Please note, parents/carers are responsible for the health and safety and safeguarding checks of these placements. Please see the following links for guidance here:
Parent, Carer & Employer 3-Way Agreement Form
Careers South West Work Experience Parent's Guide

The College has an exclusive work experience connection with Mole Valley. Please click on the following link to explore the offer.
Mole Valley Work Experience

Virtual work experience providers:
Speakers for Schools